NH Solar Shares Supporters and Partners

NH Electric Cooperative
“As an electric cooperative, we are committed to finding creative ways to serve the needs and interests of all of our members. The NH Solar Shares project will reduce the impact of electric consumption on the environment while also easing the financial burden faced by some of our members living on low or fixed incomes who juggle covering the costs of many of their basic needs. We are excited to work with NH Solar Shares and support its effort to engage the community to make this concept a reality.“
—Steve Camerino
President, NH Electric Cooperative
Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative
“The Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI) took on the challenge of developing NH Solar Shares because we saw an opportunity to further our mission to promote renewable energy and energy conservation among low income (LI) families. An interest in energy equity and affordability as well as increasing the percentage of renewable energy that powers our local grid has been a driving part of our mission for many years.”
— Doug Campbell
Board of Directors, Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative
Lakes Region Conservation Trust
“We are excited to partner with Solar Shares to bring more clean energy on to the grid that will benefit local families. And we are fully behind the project goal to design an environmentally-friendly solar field with minimal impact during the construction phase where the habitat is improved with pollinator plants and low blueberry bushes.”
— Don Berry
LRCT President

Squam Lakes Conservation Society
“We enthusiastically encourage this effort. Helping local families with renewable electricity contributes to building a stronger and more sustainable community, which is also our goal with land conservation”
— Roger Larochelle
Squam Lakes Conservation Society

Granite United Way
“Granite United Way supports this program and is excited to see it brought to the Greater Plymouth area. We are thrilled to partner with PAREI and New Hampshire Electric Cooperative in this effort to increase the affordability of electric service for the low-income families in our community. Our Whole Village Family Resource Center in Plymouth will be working closely with social service programs to identify program participants and maximize this opportunity.“
—Patrick Tufts
President and CEO of Granite United Way

New Hampshire Charitable Foundation
NH Solar Shares is funded in part by the Thomas W. Haas Fund of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation.

New England Commercial Solar Services
“I’m proud to be supporting NH Solar Shares because this program is a great example of how community solar and group net-metering enable and encourage locally produced clean (zero emissions) energy.”
— Ted Vansant
New England Commercial Solar Services

Squam Lakes Natural Science Center
“As the effects of climate change become more apparent in our state and on our native wildlife populations, the need to reduce CO2 emissions through increased generation of renewable energy becomes more important. We applaud this initiative and its positive outcomes for NH’s natural environment.”
— Iain MacLeod
Director, Squam Lakes Natural Science Center

New England Grassroots Environmental Fund
“We are proud to offer early funding through our Grow Grant to help NH Solar Shares grow from concept to reality. This program is a great fit for us as it is focused on energy equity and aims to create long term systemic change by giving low-income families regular access to solar PV energy. The New England Grassroots Environment Fund energizes and nurtures long-term civic engagement in local initiatives that create and maintain healthy, just, safe and sustainable communities.”
—Julia Dundorf
Executive Director, New England Grassroots Environment Fund, SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Community Solar Challenge
“(NH Solar Shares is one of) 48 of the outstanding (Community Solar Challenge) teams that have proposed projects or programs to expand solar access to underserved groups in their communities using innovative financial and business models, with the aim of ensuring that the clean energy revolution does not leave anyone behind.”
—Dr. Pradeep Haldar
Vice President of Entrepreneurship Innovation and Clean Energy Programs, SUNY Polytechnic Institute
3M Foundation