Ways to get involved
Each donation will have a power-full impact. Donate here to share the sun with your neighbors, give a gift to the environment and increase the amount of solar energy on our electricity grid. People funded power for our neighbors, our planet and our grid! Click here to make a donation. Or feel free to mail a check made out to “NH Solar Shares”, PO Box 753 Plymouth, NH 03264
Take part in a sharing the sun with your neighbors. Please sign up to volunteer for the following options: Land Host, Fundraising, Grantwriting, Community Task Force Leader/Member, Energy Education Program. If you are interested in volunteering please contact Sandra Jones.
Family Sign Up
Thank you for your interest. We need to build the first NH Solar Shares PV array before we can open up the program to interested families. Please watch this site in the coming months for an announcement about when sign-ups will begin. Click here to learn more.