NH Solar Shares Community Solar Array #3
We did it! The third community solar project for NH Solar Shares, located at the Lakes Region Conservation Trust (LRCT), is completed, inspected and generating solar energy.
To make a donation to NH Solar Shares visit: Click Here
On November 30, 2023 the solar installers programmed the inverters and one day later the system had already generated 116kWH of clean renewable energy for our local electricity grid! The solar project consists of two ground-mounted arrays using (70) 500w solar PV panels. The panels are the new bi-facial technology designed to also produce power from the reflection of the snow. 100% of the solar energy generation will be credited to 12 low-income households in the region starting in February, 2024.
The final steps, come Spring and Summer, will be to plant more blueberry bushes and perennial flowers, seed the work road, install a kiosk and picnic table and complete the solar trail that will link up with LRCT’s existing trail that starts in the back of their parking lot. Also in the Spring, we will be holding a ribbon cutting and will dedicate/name the solar trail while celebrating the confluence of renewable energy and land conservation.
This project was a success thanks to the partnership between Lakes Region Conservation Trust, Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI), Barrington Power, Mains Electric, Mauchly Electric, NH Electric Cooperative Foundation, NH Dept of Energy’s Renewable Energy Fund, NH Charitable Foundation Donor Advised Funds, Hammond Climate Solutions and volunteers from Americorp, LRCT and PAREI. For more information on how to donate, volunteer or sign up for free solar bill credits email [email protected]