NH Solar Shares was awarded a $75,000 NHCDFA Business Tax Credit Grant. This means NH businesses can donate to NH Solar Shares and receive a tax credit (ie: business profit and BET) equal to 75% of their contribution. Dunkin Donuts of Plymouth was the first to make a pledge followed by Revision Energy, both are committed to making a difference in the Plymouth community. If you are a business owner, please consider making a pledge by December 31, 2018. That way NH Solar Shares can access the funds sooner for building their first array AND it will put them in good standing to apply for a second round of tax credits to build two more local arrays. Businesses can pledge their support directly at www.nhcdfa.org/taxcredits/current-projects Then click on “Economic Development” then “L5 – Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative/New Hampshire Solar Shares”
NH Solar Shares Granted a $75,000 Business Tax Credit Grant